International & Area Studies

Lower Division Courses

IAS 45 : Survey of World History (4 units)
Prerequisites: None

This course focuses on benchmarks of the history of various nations and civilizations. It begins with the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Chinese, but emphasizes world developments since the 15th century. The purpose of the course is to gain a better understanding of the rise and decline of states, empires, and international trading systems. Therefore, political and economic structures and developments, as well as military factors, will be presented along with the more traditional historical perspectives.

IAS 98 : Issues in Political Economy and Development (2 units)
Prerequisites: Freshman or sophomore standing

Must be taken on a passed/not passed basis. This course is geared towards intended Political Economy and Development Studies majors. It consists of a series of guest lectures presenting different issues and perspectives of political economy and development. Topics will be divided into three general sections: 1) theories on political economy and development; 2) historical background on the causes and effects of politics and markets; and 3) case studies on both the international and domestic levels.

Upper Division Courses

IAS 102 : Scope of Methods of Research in IAS (4 units)
Prerequisites: None

Introduction to interdisciplinary research strategies for the collection, interpretation, and analysis of data. Course integrates the study of the fundamental theories of social science with the practical techniques of social science research methods.

IAS H102 : Scope and Methods of Research in International and Area Studies (4 units)
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor; open only to students meeting the requirements for participation and who intend to enroll in the honors seminar during the spring term
Offered Fall Only

Required prerequisite for all students intending to enroll in Development Studies H195, Latin American Studies H195, Political Economy H195, and Peace and Conflict Studies H195. Course provides an introduction to interdisciplinary research strategies for the collection, interpretation, and analysis of data. Course integrates the study of the fundamental theories of social science with the practical techniques of social science research methods. Students will receive no credit for H102 after taking 102 or C118.

IAS 106 : Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (4 units)
Prerequisites: Economics 1 or equivalent

Students will receive no credit for 106 after taking Economics 100A, 101A, Business Administration 110, Undergraduate Business Administration 101A, or Environmental Economics and Policy 100. This course is designed as a comprehensive overview of intermediate microeconomic theory. It covers a number of topics including consumer and demand theory, firm, production and cost theory, competitive market theory, imperfect competition, welfare economics, choice under uncertainty and information. All analysis conducted in the course relies on graphical and algebraic techniques. Outside readings and discussion sections will demonstrate the applicability of the models covered in class to topics with an international dimension, such as the setting of tariffs, cartel behavior and international trade.

IAS 107 : Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (4 units)
Prerequisites: Economics 1 or equivalent

Students will receive no credit for 107 after taking Economics 100B, 101B, Business Administration 111, Undergraduate Business Administration 101BA. This course is designed as a comprehensive overview of intermediate macroeconomic theory focusing on economic growth and international economics. It covers a number of topics including history of economic growth, industrial revolution, post-industrial revolution divergence, flexible-price and sticky-price macroeconomics, and macroeconomic policy. Course is structured for majors in International and Area Studies and other non-economic social science majors.

IAS C118 : Introductory Applied Econometrics (4 units)
Prerequisites: Statistics 2 or equivalent

Formulation of a research hypothesis and definition of an empirical strategy. Regression analysis with cross-sectional and time-series data; econometric methods for the analysis of qualitative information; hypothesis testing. The techniques of statistical and econometric analysis are developed through applications to a set of case studies and real data in the fields of environmental, resource, and international development economics. Students learn the use of a statistical software for economic data analysis. Also listed as Environmental Economics and Policy C118.

IAS 120 : Selected Topics – International and Area Studies (3 units)

Interdisciplinary study of selected topics in international and area studies focusing on issues in greater than a general topic lecture course. Through the use of lectures, discussions, and multimedia presentations, students will explore a variety of perspectives relating to the subject matter of the course. Students will be expected to successfully complete various writing assignments or short projects, and written exams. Instructor and topic will vary from term to term.

IAS 140 : Special Topics (2 units)

A short course designed to provide a vehicle to take advantage of short-term visitors coming to campus who have considerable expertise in areas of interest to international and area studies. Topics will vary from semester to semester.

IAS 150 : Advanced Studies in International and Area Studies (4 units)
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

Advanced multidisciplinary research in current issues and topics in international and area studies. Course will focus on specific issues or geographical areas with appropriate comparative material included. A major research project is required as well as class presentations. Topics change each semester. Course may be repeated for credit. .

IAS (C)175 : The Economics of Climate Change (4 units)
Prerequisites: IAS 106, IAS 107, Economics 1, or equivalent

The course will start with a brief introduction and evaluation of the scientific aspects behind climate change. Economic models will be developed to analyze the impacts of climate change and provide and critique existing and proposed policy tools. Specific topics studied are impacts on water resources and agriculture, economic evaluation of impacts, optimal control of greenhouse gases, benefit cost analysis, international treaty formation, discounting, uncertainty, irreversibility, and extreme events. Also listed as Environmental Economics and Policy C175.

IAS 180 : Current Issues in International and Area Studies (2 or 3 units)
Prerequisites: None

Terms offered: 2015 Spring, 2014 Spring, 2012 Spring.
This course provides an opportunity to study and discuss issues and events having recent international impact and/or interest. The course will present a multidisciplinary perspective on specific subjects with the intent of linking students with the scholars and scholarship involved in understanding and explaining current international issues, events, and crisis. The subjects will vary from semester to semester. Students may enroll in the lecture only for 2 units or may enroll in the lecture and discussion section for 3 units.

IAS 194 : Senior Seminar in International and Area Studies (4 units)
Prerequisites: Senior standing

Challenges of Global Health. This seminar addresses major health threats throughout the globe and emphasizes those that are most prevalent in developing nations. The course includes a variety of topics in global health, such as nutrition, water supply quality, natural disasters, war, women’s and children’s health, HIV/AIDS, malaria, cholera and other diseases. The overriding focus of the seminar is on the central roles of poverty and politics in shaping health risks and access to care.
Actions taken by various entities, including governmental organizations, multilateral organizations, NGOs and community groups, in an effort to remedy health problems, will be discussed. Specific groups/organizations, programs, activities and policies will be examined and evaluated for their impact, both helpful and harmful.
This course is designed to explore the complexities of health, especially for those in middle and low-income countries. Students of this seminar will apply what they learn throughout the course as they develop a proposed “solution” to a health problem in a specific geographical region.

IAS 196 : Special Field Research (2-6 units)
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

IAS 196 is open to students who have declared the Global Poverty and Practice (GPP) Minor and completed their Practice Experience (PE). Over the course of the Fall 2011 semester, students will have the opportunity to critically reflect upon what they have learned during their PE and to explore the connections between their academic work and the actual practice of poverty alleviation. In addition, students will apply what they have learned in the GPP minor to the realm of public discourse through engagement in various forms of public scholarship. Finally, following the broader goals of the GPP minor, this course seeks to encourage students to explore what it means to be an engaged citizen, and to consider the ways in which their understanding of global poverty will affect their future career and personal decisions.

IAS 197 : Field Studies (1-4 units)
Prerequisites: Upper division standing and consent of instructor

Must be taken on a passed/not passed basis. Supervised experience relevant to specific aspects of Development Studies in off campus organizations. Regular individual meetings with faculty sponsor and written reports required. Check with the IAS Office for specific requirements. Course may be repeated for credit.

IAS 198 : Directed Group Study (1-4 units)
Prerequisites: Upper division standing and consent of instructor

Must be taken on a passed/not passed basis. Student initiated course, the content of which is approved by faculty in charge. Topic changes each semester. Check with the IAS Office for topics and specific enrollment requirements. Course may be repeated for credit.

IAS 199 : Supervised Independent Study and Research for Undergraduates (1-4 units)
Prerequisites: Upper division standing and consent of instructor

Must be taken on a passed/not passed basis. Written proposal must be approved by a faculty advisor. Enrollment is restricted by regulations of the College of Letters and Science. Check with the IAS Office for enrollment information. Course may be repeated for credit.

Graduate Courses

IAS 202 : Seminar in Portuguese Studies (1 unit)
Prerequisites: None

Must be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Portuguese immigrants have exerted a strong imprint on the landscape and culture of California and other regions of North America, and the study of this diaspora continues to be a lively topic of scholarly research. Likewise, the rapid transformations of Portugal and Portuguese society as it has emerged from the stultifying effects of decades of dictatorship and integrates into the EU make for compelling research topics. The strong parallels between the Mediterranean-climate landscapes of Portugal and California provide excellent opportunities for comparative studies in environment and human adaptations in environment. This seminar provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of ongoing research on topics in Portuguese studies by Berkeley faculty and graduate students, as well as visiting scholars and fellows. Course may be repeated for credit.

IAS 206 : Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (4 units)
Prerequisites: Economics 1 or equivalent

This course is designed as a comprehensive overview of intermediate microeconomic theory. It covers a number of topics including consumer and demand theory, firm, production, and cost theory, competitive market theory, imperfect competition, welfare economics, choice under uncertainty, and information. All analysis conducted in the course relies on graphical and algebraic techniques. Outside reading and discussion sections will demonstrate the applicability of the models covered in class to topics with an international dimension, such as the setting of tariffs, cartel behavior, and international trade. Students will receive no credit for 206 after taking Economics 100A, 101A, Undergraduate Business Administration 101A, Environmental Economics and Policy 100 or Business Administration 110.

IAS 207 : Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (4 units)
Prerequisites: Economics 1 or equivalent

This course is designed as a comprehensive overview of intermediate macroeconomic theory focusing on economic growth and international economics. It covers a number of topics including history of economic growth, industrial revolution, post-industrial revolution divergence, flexible-price and sticky-price macroeconomics, and macroeconomic policy. Course is structured for majors in AIS and other non-economic social science majors. Students will receive no credit for 207 after taking Economics 100B, 101B, Undergraduate Business Administration 101B, or Business Administration 111.

IAS C229 : Mediterranean-Climate Landscapes (1-3 units)
Prerequisites: None

Comparative study of environmental conditions and human responses thereto in California and other Mediterranean-climate regions, with intensive treatment of a topic in environmental sciences, policy, planning, management, and/or landscape architecture, with application to California, Portugal, or other Mediterranean-climate regions. Students collect and analyze relevant data, synthesize, and complete technical reports, plans, and/or designs. Also listed as Landscape Architecture C229.

IAS 230 : Cross-Listed Topics (1-4 units)
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

This course is designed to accommodate cross-listed courses offered through other departments, when the content of the courses is applicable to the graduate program in International and Area Studies. Content varies from course to course. Course may be repeated for credit.

IAS 240 : Special Topics (2 units)
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and graduate-level standing

A short (eight-week) course designed to provide a vehicle to take advantage of short-term visitors coming to campus who have considerable expertise in areas of interest to International and Area Studies graduate students. Topics will vary from semester to semester. Course may be repeated for credit.

IAS 250 : Graduate Studies in International and Area Studies (4 units)
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and graduate-level standing

Graduate multidisciplinary research in current issues and topics of international and area studies. Seminars will focus on specific geographical areas with appropriate comparative material included. A major research project is required as well as class presentations. Topics change each semester. Course may be repeated for credit.

IAS 292 : Directed Advanced Research (2-4 units)
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

This course is intended to provide supervision in preparation of a major research paper on international and area studies topics. The topic should be agreed upon in advance by both the student and faculty sponsor and generally will be topics not covered in other existing course work. Course may be repeated for credit.

IAS 299 : Directed Reading (1-4 units)
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and graduate-level standing

Must be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Individual conferences intended to provide directed reading in subject matter not covered by available seminar offerings.

Professional Courses

IAS 375 : Professional Training: Teaching in IAS (2 units)
Prerequisites: Appointment as a graduate student instructor in one of the International and Area Studies Teaching Programs

Offered Fall only.
This course is intended to prepare students from the various social science disciplines to be instructors in interdisciplinary/multi-departmental courses. It will serve as a forum to discuss problems and create innovative solutions to these problems. Focusing on course construction and operation, specialists from various disciplines will discuss strategies for moving outside of their areas of specialization and into broader areas of international and area studies. Graduate students will be provided training in building their own interdisciplinary courses from the ground up. Organizing syllabi, preparing lectures, devising written assignments, leading discussion sections, constructing evaluative mechanisms and grading them, will all be covered over the course of the semester.

Current Courses

Up to date course information including accurate room and time information can be found on the UC Berkeley
Online Schedule of Classes.


    For intended Political Economy majors only:

The workshop consists of a video and a short quiz. Click here for the online Major Declaration Workshop.

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