Department(s): International & Area Studies | Political Economy
101 Stephens Hall
Phone: 510-642-4466
Email: rashcroft@berkeley.edu
Office Hours: Online only
Richard Ashcroft is a Lecturer in UC Berkeley’s Department of Political Science and Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs, and the Postdoctoral Coordinator for the Network for a New Political Economy. Before completing his PhD in Political Science at Berkeley he studied human rights and racticed as a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales. His research and teaching explore how modern societies should evolve in the face of deepening diversity and disagreement, with a particular focus on the connections between postwar multiculturalism, political economy, and the legacies of empire. He has edited two books with Mark Bevir: “Multiculturalism in the British Commonwealth: Comparative Perspectives on Theory and Practice (University of California Press, 2019), and “Multiculturalism in Contemporary Britain: Policy, Law and Theory” (Routledge, 2019). Richard has also published a series of articles on British multiculturalism, Scottish independence, and Brexit, and is currently working on a book manuscript tentatively titled “Rethinking Liberal Multiculturalism: Culture, Meaning, and Pluralism.” Whilst at Berkeley he has taught American Politics, Political Theory, Political Economy, and Global Studies, and at the moment is teaching / developing courses on “National Identity and Political Economy in the US and UK,” “The Crisis of European Integration,” “Multiculturalism in Theory and Practice,” and “What is Political Economy?”