Supervised Independent Study and Research
M E STU 199 Supervised Independent Study and Research: Stevens Global Ambassadors Project: Public Health and Conflict in the Middle East
CCN: 33292
Units/Credit: 2
Time/Location: Off Campus
Final Exam Group: NONE
Instructor: Emily Gottreich
Conducted in tandem with leading educational institutions in the Middle East and North Africa, this project-based virtual exchange course will offer students the unique opportunity to experience a meaningful cross-cultural exchange while learning about the public health implications of conflict and forced migration. Looking specifically at public health issues related to recent conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa (i.e. the Iraq War and the Syrian Refugee Crisis), the course will be comprised primarily of case studies and an inter-disciplinary project, in which interdisciplinary and intercultural student groups seek to identify and intervene in a relevant public health issue.
For the most up to date information, please visit the Online Schedule of Classes.