Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

IAS 207 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

CCN: 21873

Units/Credit: 4

Time/Location: MWF: 9-10:00am / 390 Hearst Mining

Final Exam Group 16: Thursday, 12/13/2018; 7:00pm – 10:00pm

Instructor: Mario Muzzi

This course is designed as a comprehensive overview of intermediate macroeconomic theory focusing on economic growth and international economics. It covers a number of topics including history of economic growth, industrial revolution, post-industrial revolution divergence, flexible-price and sticky-price macroeconomics, and macroeconomic policy. Course is structured for majors in AIS and other non-economic social science majors. Room share with IAS 107

For the most up to date information, please visit the Online Schedule of Classes.